The control unit reads the data collected by the acquisition boxes, stores the test data on a data- base, identifies the product model by identification code, and then compares the test data with the reference parameters for such model, in order to decide whether the unit has successfully passed the test or not.
The Pass/Reject result is displayed on the screen and stored on the database. All data can be traced in order to comply with the ISO 9000 standard framework.
CAR1000 is available on the following versions :
ESC is an automatic test system housed in a metallic cabinet (with or without castors) designed to test single-phase or three- phase appliances having rated power up to 10kVA, with the possibility to supply the appliance with stabilized tension.
The system is provided with microprocessor controller and LCD display which allows the configuration of different testing programs for different appliance to be tested.
The system can locally store up to 200 test programs and 100 test results. It is ready to be fitted to barcode reader. Serial interface for remote PC connection to manage, program and file data of performed tests.
Performed Tests
Available options
Performed Tests